Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pictures, Damascus High School's Farmer's Market and Other Current Events (Cuadros, el mercado del agricultor de la escuela secundaria de Damasco y otras actualidades)

Here are some pictures I had taken of the Damascus High School's Farmer's Market from last Thursday evening.  The other pictures are of the Unity Festival held at Long Branch Senior and Community Center yesterday during the day.  The last picture is of the Uterus I had knitted for the Birth Adula as a teaching tool.
Aquí están algunos cuadros que había tomado del Mercado del Agricultor de la Escuela secundaria de Damasco a partir de la tarde del jueves pasada. Los otros cuadros son del Festival de la Unidad sostenido en Long Branch, Padre, y Centro social ayer durante el día. El último cuadro es del Útero había tejido para el Nacimiento Adula como un instrumento docente.

At the Farmer's Market for Damascus High School, the weather held off until we had to start packing up for the evening.  We were lucky that we have some help from the students that volunteer for the market.  We were happy to see loyal customers returning for this season.  Thank you so much for coming!  We hope to see you again on Thursday evening this week.
En el Mercado del Agricultor para la Escuela secundaria de Damasco, el tiempo aplazó hasta que tuviéramos que arrancar el embalaje para la tarde. Éramos afortunados que tenemos un poco de ayuda de los estudiantes que se ofrecen para el mercado. Éramos contentos de ver a clientes leales volver para esta temporada. ¡Muchas gracias por llegada! Esperamos verle otra vez el jueves por la tarde esta semana.

During yesterday's Unity Festival for Long Branch Senior and Community Center, we sold Don't Forget Signs, Baby Blankets, Baby Booties and Hats, Dish Cloths, Phone Socks (one for donation to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF)), Tissue Carriers, Crayon Carriers and Wash Cloths.
Durante el Festival de la Unidad de ayer para Long Branch, Padre, y Centro social, nos vendimos no Olvidan Signos, Mantas del Bebé, Despojos del Bebé y Sombreros, Telas del Plato, Calcetines Telefónicos (un para la donación a National Kidney Foundation (NKF)), Transportistas del Tejido, Transportistas del Creyón y Lavan las Telas.

We hope to see everyone at the Spring Bazaar next Saturday for Plum Gar Community Center from 9-3.
Esperamos ver a cada uno en el Bazar de la Primavera el próximo sábado para el Ciruelo Centro social de Gar de 9-3.
Damascus High School
Farmer's Market

Damascus High School
Farmer's Market

Unity Festival
Long Branch Sr. and Community Center

Knitted Uterus-- A Teaching Tool

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Knitting by Leah Pictures