Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Knitted Snoods Collage May 2020 The Knitted Snoods Collage Mayo 2020

Here are some of the first few Snoods that we've done so far this month.  The Snoods are a new idea.  Some of the Snoods are made with cotton yarn.  The ones that are knitted with variegated yarn/colors will create their own pattern, so we can't guarantee how they will turn out the next time we use that same color.
Estos son algunos de los primeros Snoods que hemos hecho en lo que va de mes.  Los Snoods son una nueva idea.  Algunos de los Snoods están hechos con hilo de algodón.  Los que se tejen con hilos/colores variados crearán su propio patrón, por lo que no podemos garantizar cómo saldrán la próxima vez que usemos ese mismo color.


Michelle said...

Nice product

Knitting by Leah said...

Thank you. We can do the Snoods in any color of choice. We need to know what shade and if it’s going to be a variegated type of yarn.

Knitting by Leah Pictures